NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Book Solutions Lesson 2 What is Long? What is Round? Questions and Answers, We have compiled the NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Book Solutions for all topics in a comprehensive way to support students who are preparing effectively for the exam. You will discover both numerical and descriptive answers for all Chapter 2 Joyful-Mathematics, concepts in this NCERT Joyful-Mathematics Solutions pdf. Make use of this perfect guide and score good marks in the exam along with strong subject knowledge.
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Queries – NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? Solution, 2 What is Long? What is Round? class 1 question answer, Joyful-Mathematics NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round?
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round?
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round?
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? Solution
Textual Exercise
Look Around!
2 What is Long? What is Round?
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? Solution (Page 10)
Vidya didi asked all the children to sit in a circle.
What is long?
What is round?
Look around,
look around.
My pencil box
is long and my
ball is round.
Look around,
look around.
My legs are long and
my face is round. Look
around, look around
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page11)
Think and Do
A. Draw round ( ⭕ ) objects in and long objects in ( 🔲 )

Answer :
Do yourself.
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page12)
B. Match the objects which are similar in shape.
Answer :

C. Tick the shape which is similar to ball .
Answer :

NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page13)
D. Tick the shape which is similar to cap
Answer :

E. Tick the shape which is similar to glass
Answer : Note (There’s nothing similar to the glass.)

F. Tick ü the shape which is similar to matchbox
Answer :

Let us Do
Make a house, toy, tower, robot, bus or anything you like
using different objects in your surroundings. You can also
use notebooks, books, pencil box, water bottle, waste or old
boxes, birthday caps, funnels, etc.
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page14)
Wise Grandmother
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page13)
Once there was a little lamb who was going to meet her grandmother.
The wolf saw the lamb and wanted to catch her.
Lamb : Please don’t eat me now. may go. Let me first go to my grandmother’s place and grow big.
Wolf : Okay, you may go.
The lamb told everything about the wolf to her grandmother.
The grandmother got an idea and put the lamb into a dholak and rolled it back to her house.
The dholak rolled very fast and the wolf started running behind it.
The wolf could not catch the lamb and she reached home safely.
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page16)
Let us Slide
Children are playing carrom as shown below. You can also play and see how a striker slides to reach the corner.
Little boy : My striker (gotti) rolled instead of sliding

A. Write ‘R’ for rolling objects and ‘S’ for sliding objects in the given in the below picture.
Answer :

B. Collect different objects from your surroundings and see if they roll or slide.
Answer : Do yourself.
C. Do you see things which can do both, roll and slide? If yes, discuss in the class.
Answer : Do yourself.
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? (Page17)
Think and Do
Find whether the following objects roll, slide or do both. Put ✅ or ❌

Hope you’ve got all the Solution in this page and find this NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 2 What is Long? What is Round? Solution useful for exam preparation. Please share with others who need this.
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