NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Book Solutions Lesson 1 Finding the Furry Cat! Questions and Answers, We have compiled the NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Book Solutions for all topics in a comprehensive way to support students who are preparing effectively for the exam. You will discover both numerical and descriptive answers for all Chapter 1 Joyful-Mathematics, concepts in this NCERT Joyful-Mathematics Solutions pdf. Make use of this perfect guide and score good marks in the exam along with strong subject knowledge.
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NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution
Textual Exercise
Let us sing
1 Finding the Furry Cat
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 1)
Looking, looking, looking
Looking for my furry cat!
Are you
on the
Are you sleeping under
my bed? Where are you
my furry cat?
Looking, looking, looking
Looking for my furry cat!
Are you inside
the backpack?
Are you outside the
red rack?
Where are you
my furry cat?
Come, come, come
Come to me, my furry cat!
Saw you scratching the
bottom of my jar.
Saw you playing
at the top of my car.
Come to me,
my furry cat!
Come, come, come
Come to me my furry cat!
Saw you hopping above
the hat.
Saw you hiding below
the mat
Here comes my furry cat!
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 3)
Look at the pictures of the poem and encircle the correct word.
A. The red ball is above/ under /on the bed.
B. The cat is inside/outside/on the car.
C. The man is lying under/inside/on the tree.
D. The cow is inside/top of/outside the house.
Answer :
A. under
B. on
C. under
D. outside
Think and Answer
A. Where do you put your shoes? Inside/Outside the room.
B. Where do you throw the garbage? Inside/Outside the dustbin
Answer :
A. put my shoes outside the room.
B. We throw the garbage in the dustbin.
Let us Play — Find the Things
Children can divide themselves into 2 teams. One team will
hide a few things like white chalk, red ball and other items
and ask the other team to find them. Children can give
verbal instructions to find the things using positional words
like inside/outside, far/near, above/below, etc.
For example:
● Look for a white thing which is hidden
near the board and under the table.
● Look for a red thing which is outside
the classroom and under the tree.
Answer : Do yourself.
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 4)
Let us Play — Throw the Ball!
Each child aims and throws the ball inside the basket.
When the ball goes inside, other children will say IN and
when it goes outside the basket, they say OUT.
Answer : Do yourself.
Let us Do
A. Tick ✅ the things which are inside.
Answer :

B. Tick ✅ the things which are outside.
Answer :

C. Look at the picture and tick ✅ the correct words.
Answer :

D. Draw a smile below the nose and eyebrows above the eyes.
Answer :

NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 6)
E. Look at our National Flag which is also known as
tiranga. How many colours are there?
Tick ✅ the correct option.
i. Which colour is at the top of the tiranga?
ii. Which colour is below the white colour on the tiranga?
iii. Which colour is above the green colour on the tiranga?
iv. Where is the ashoka chakra on the tiranga?
on a corner/in the middle/on a side

Answer :
i. Which colour is at the top of the tiranga?
ii. Which colour is below the white colour on the tiranga?
pink/saffron/green ✅
iii. Which colour is above the green colour on the tiranga?
white ✅ /saffron/yellow
iv. Where is the ashoka chakra on the tiranga?
on a corner/in the middle ✅ /on a side
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 7)
Chhuk Chhuk goes our Train!
Chhuk chhuk! Chhuk chhuk!
Goes our train.
Over the hills and down to the plains.
Chhuk chhuk! Chhuk chhuk!
Goes our train.
Bogies before my bogie,
Bogies after my bogie,
Make a chain,
Over the rivers and in the rain.
Chhuk chhuk! Chhuk chhuk!
Goes our train.
A. How many bogies are there after engine?
Answer : 5
B. How many bogies are there before the red bogie?
Answer : 2
C. Fill the orange colour in the bogies after the red bogie.
Answer :

D. Fill the blue colour in the bogies before the red bogie
Answer :

NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 8)
Let us Play
Children will sing the rhyme and play
a game where they all will form a train
by holding each other’s shoulders.
Everyone will tell who is before and
after each child in the train.
Here goes our train,
Here goes our train
No one is before me
and Meera is after me
Suwali and Rohit are making some groups of objects
Suwali : I have put all the pebbles together.
Rohit : I have put all the leaves in one group and chalk pieces in another group.
NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution (Page 9)
Let us Do
Suwali has placed all the buttons in three groups.

Why did Suwali make such groups?
Answer : Suwali made such groups as they have different colours.
Help Suwali to sort these buttons in other ways by drawing them.
Answer : Do yourself.
Hope you’ve got all the Solution in this page and find this NCERT Class 1 Joyful-Mathematics Chapter 1 Finding the Furry Cat Solution useful for exam preparation. Please share with others who need this.
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