Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 4 The Cap Seller and the Monkeys

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NCERT Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 4 The Cap Seller and the Monkeys

NCERT Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 4 The Cap Seller and the Monkeys Question Answers

Textual Exercise

(Page No. 57)

Let us speak

A. Answer the following questions

1. Do you have a cap? What is its colour?

Answer : Yes I have a cap. Its colour is red.

2. Why do you think the monkeys threw the caps in the 


Answer : The monkey threw that caps in the basket because they were copying the cap seller.

B. What is the first sound of the words in each row?

1. cap cat coat

2. monkey mango mouse

3. basket bat ball

Answer :  

1. cap cat coat – k

2. monkey mango mouse – m

3. basket bat ball – b

Let us write 

A. Circle the words that start with the same sound in each row

car tap can rat cat hat cow

Answer : rat, cat hat

mat man pan mango banana mug rug

Answer : man, pan, 

B. Write the numbers (1–4) next to the pictures according to the story


(Page No. 58)

C. Let’s colour and write


(Page No. 63)

 Let us sing 


Butterflies, butterflies, 

Up, up, up.

Butterflies, butterflies,

Down, down, down.

Butterflies, butterflies,

In, in, in.

Butterflies, butterflies,

Out, out, out.

Would you like to replace butterflies with anything else? Try


Do yourself.

Let us speak

A. Answer the questions

Teacher: Look up! What do you see on the tree?

Child: I see_____________ on the tree.

Teacher: Look down! What do you see on the ground?

Child: I see____________________on the ground.

Teacher: Look up! What do you see in the sky?

Child: I see_____________ in the sky


Teacher: Look up! What do you see on the tree?

Child: I see fruits, animals and birds on the tree.

Teacher: Look down! What do you see on the ground?

Child: I see a cow and squirrels on the ground.

Teacher: Look up! What do you see in the sky?

Child: I see birds and an aeroplane in the sky

B. Say and clap

Say aloud each line of both the poems, clapping for every 


For example

Butterflies, (clap) butterflies, (clap)

Up, (clap) up, (clap) up. (clap)

Butterflies, (clap) butterflies, (clap)

Down, (clap) down, (clap) 

Roly (clap) poly (clap)

Up, (clap) up, (clap) up. (clap)

Roly (clap) poly (clap)

Down, (clap) down, (clap)

Ans. Do yourself.

Let us write 

A. Encircle the words that have ‘p’ in them

put mat sat

cap top cat

pat fan apple

pink tan tap


B. Encircle the matching letters in each row

1 T F p F r

2 b C d b q

3 o q n o r

4 W x M W V


C. Match the words with the same initial syllable

hop dog

sand hide

jump socks

run rat

dance jet


Let us speak 

Listen and repeat

Some words have two syllable. Notice the words below

monkey mon key

seller sell er

basket bas ket

donkey don key

Catch me if you can

A fat cat sat 

on a mat.

“I can catch you, little rat”, 

said the cat.

A little rat saw her,

and hid in a hat.

“No, no, you can’t”,

said the rat.

The cat ran to 

catch the rat.

The rat ran and 

hid in a box.

The lid of the box did 

not open.

“Ha, ha! You can’t catch me, big 

cat!”, said the rat.

Help the mouse reach its home


Let us listen 

A. Close your eyes and listen to the words said by your teacher

cat bat fat

sat mat hat

• What is the first sound in each of these words?

• What is common in all these words?

Ans. Do with the help of your teacher.

B. Let us make words by adding one letter to at as shown. The first has been done for you


C. Listen and do the actions that your teacher says:

• Catch the ball.

• Throw the ball.

• Hide under a table. 

• Open your pencil box or bag.

• Close your pencil box or bag.

• Say hurray!!

Ans. Do yourself.

D. Now listen to the following words. Do you know what they mean? Ask your teacher.








Let us read 

Try to read the story ‘Catch me if you can’ again by yourself.

Ans. Do yourself. 

Let us do 

What shall we make? A cat and a rat? 

Look at the mask of a cat from the last page of your book

1. Cut out the mask with the help of your teacher.

2. Make holes on the sides.

3. Tie strings in these holes.

4. Your mask is ready to use!

• Now, think about the steps for making a mask of a rat. 

Tell your friends how to make a mask of a rat

• Are your masks ready? Enact the story 


1. Cut out the mask with the help of your teacher:

   – Choose a suitable material for your mask, such as felt or paper.

   – With the guidance of your teacher, draw the outline of the mask on the material.

   – Carefully cut along the outline to create the basic shape of your mask.

2. Make holes on the sides:

   – Identify the sides of the mask where you want to place the strings.

   – Use a hole punch or a pointed tool (with adult supervision) to create small holes on each side of the mask.

3. Tie strings in these holes:

   – Cut two pieces of string or elastic, each long enough to comfortably go around your head.

   – Thread one end of each string through the holes on one side of the mask.

   – Tie knots on the inside of the mask to secure the strings in place.

   – Adjust the length of the strings as needed to ensure a snug fit.

4. Your mask is ready to use!

   – Put on your mask by placing it over your nose and securing the strings around the back of your head.

   – Ensure that the mask covers your nose and mouth properly.

Let us explore 

Look at the insects, flowers, birds, animals and trees around 

your home. 

Draw some of these and tell your friends more about them. 

Ans. Do yourself.

Let us do 

A.  Help these animals find their homes 

Ans. Do yourself.

B. Ask anyone in your family to tell you a story about animals. Try to share the story in English in the class. Listen to the stories shared by your friends in class. 

Ans. Do yourself.

C. In small groups, choose any story that you heard or shared in the class. Draw pictures for the story. Present the story in class.

Ans. Do yourself.

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